
December 31, 2016

Looking Ahead + 2017 Goals

   *peers suspiciously into the distance* Is that a new year I see on the horizon?

   It's New Year's Eve = exactly six days after Christmas (hard as that is to believe). Does anyone other than me find the week-or-so right after Christmas to be kinda sad?

   People are taking down their Christmas lights, evergreen trees, and festive decorations. All the special things that make up the holiday season seem to disappear almost overnight. We watch our own house be de-Christmassed and put on a brave face - the cozy holiday season is over, and now we have to cope as life goes back to how it was. 

   But, as we approach the first day of 2017, I started to realize something. Life never goes back - life goes on. And there will be all kinds of new surprises in 2017, both good and bad. And I'll be facing them head on, not looking back over my shoulder at the past. Looking ahead seems like a far better idea to me.

   Anyways, enough of my ramblings. 2017 is nearly upon us what even! And I came up with five goals that I'd like to accomplish in 2017 - we'll see how many of them I can actually achieve ;).

1. Read 100 books + read/review one new release each month

   I think I read over 100 books in 2016 (but I didn't really keep track, so who knows xD), but 2017 promises to be a whirlwind, so we'll see if I can get this done. And I'd also like to read + review one book each month that came out in that particular month. Wayfarer is my book for January - I'm excited to start it! (and then come on here and rant about it, that's always a plus *shrugs*)

2. Create a tag and/or linkup + be diligent in my upcoming blog series

   I've always kind of wanted to create a tag/linkup - however, my brain tends to be blank when it comes to ideas, more often than not. But I feel like a bookish or writerly tag/linkup would be a blast *nodnod*. I almost feel like a linkup that has to do with reviewing a new release each month would be kinda neat ... but anyways, onto the second part of that goal. I'm also going to try my best to keep up with the series of posts I'm starting on my blog in Janurary - I having a feeling that it's going to be lots of fun (or I hope so, anyways xD)!   

3. Be more diligent in journaling

   Journaling takes a lot of time - and I'm a fairly lazy goldfish xD (plus, if I'm going to write, why not write a story, instead of writing about my day? *shrugs*) But I'm going to try harder this year because a) it's super helpful to be able to look in my journal and see a month's high points when it comes to writing a Monthly Highlights post and b) it will be fun to look through my journal in a year and see all the epic-ness that happened *nodnod*.

4. Start (and keep up with!) a 2017 memories jar

   I don't even remember where I saw this idea, but I love it -  it's basically where you make a note of anything good that happens during the year and put the notes in the jar. That way you can have a whole jar-ful of memories to look through on New Year's Eve, 2017. I'm awfully excited to try this (and of course I'm dragging my sisters into doing it with me :D)! Plus, if my journaling goal can't be kept, then I'll still have a jar-ful of all the best things that happened is 2017.

5. Write a _____ draft of a novel or novella

   Whether it's a first draft of something new, or a ninth draft of something old, I want to get some form of writing done in 2017. I'm guessing it will either be the fourth draft of Killing Snow (that would be me turning it into a novel), the first draft of The Dreamer's Game, or a zero draft/ first draft of something entirely different. Or all of those things at once. I've got 365 days - there will be plenty of time xD.    

   *blinks at the goals* So ... they look just a tad daunting all lined up like that. But I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with all of them.

   I hope 2016 was amazing for you, and here's praying that 2017 will be even better! Have a blessed year, my friends!

~ Savannah Grace

What's a goal you have for 2017?


  1. WOW YOU GO. And I'm also shooting for 100 books this year, even though I already told you that I AM HERE TO TELL YOU AGAIN BECAUSE I WAS ASKED. :P And yup yup journaling is also a goal for me. *nods* :D

    1. YUP 100 books *blinks at the growing stack that needs to be read* I can't wait to see if this can actually be accomplished xD. *begins reading*

  2. That's so awesome that you're doing New Year's Goals! And I am definately still kind of in shock about the fact that Christmas is over. It came and went so quickly!

    Happy New Year!

    1. It always strikes me as kinda funny that we look forward to Christmas for months, but then Christmas day only lasts for 24 hours. I wish it was longer :D.

      Happy New Year to you too, Evangeline!

  3. Yes yes life does go ON not BACK. I love how you put that!

    I have the same problem with journals! (because my protagonist's day is so much more exciting than mine) That's definitely something I want to get better at this year!

    Happy happy New Year and let's do 2017!

    audrey caylin

    1. Thank you, Audrey! I can't wait to see how life goes on in 2017 :D.

      I have a journal sitting on my shelf right this minute, and it's begging to written in xD. *cracks open journal* I hope we both do you good with our goals this year!

      *fistbump* WE'VE GOT THIS

  4. OMW LOOK AT ALL THE GOALS. I think I would be panicking if I were you right!! I hate expectations of myself :P but honestly. YOU CAN DO IT bc if you can YOULL BE SUPERWOMAN SO LIKE GO SAVANNAH

    1. *looks at all the goals* NO don't talk about panicking - I'll panic xD. But OKAY I'LL TRY (because obviously being superwoman would be cool xD).

  5. Great wrap-up! Yes it is sad that everything from Christmas is coming down, I've lost count of all the trees I've seen in the gutter the day after Christmas. But I'm totally hyped for 2017!
    My only goal is to finish my first draft of my book

    1. Thanks, Marrok! 2017 is shaping up to be a great one - my family has a lot of exciting things planned :D.
      I hope you can meet your goal - finishing a first draft is SO exciting!

  6. Great post! And such a good reminder: life never goes back - it goes on. I also want to read 100 books! Though I might start with a goal of 75 since I only barely read 50 books this year. Do you have a goodreads? If not you should TOTALLY GET ONE. You can set a reading goal and keep track of it and see what your friends are reading and stuff. And I am going to create a tag too! I've had the idea for one for a while. I just need to sit down and write it! :D

    Happy new years! <3

    1. *highfives* WE CAN READ 100 BOOKS, I KNOW WE CAN. And I don't have Goodreads, but I might start an account at some point. It seems pretty cool *nodnod*. (plus, it deals with BOOKS. Can't go wrong with that xD)

      *gasps* You're creating a tag?! *is excited* I can't wait to see what it is!

      Happy new years to you as well, Hannah!

  7. "Life never goes back - life goes on." Oh, I needed to hear that right now! It is so hard to return to the humdrum of life. Thank you for that reminder, Savannah!

    I'm loving all your goals. That would be so cool if you made a linkup! :D And I cannot wait for your blog series. I just know it's gonna be awesome!

    A memory jar is the cutest idea! I actually do that via an "one sentence journal". In which every day I write one sentence of something good that happened that day. It only takes just a second, but it helps me remember that, no matter how bad a day is, there is ALWAYS something good to be found. It really helps me stay positive.

    My biggest goal for 2017 is to go through another round of edits for Burning Thorns and...possibly start searching for *gulp* literary agents. We'll see how that goes. Meep.

    I hope you have the most amazing 2017, sweet Savannah. I feel so blessed to have gotten to know you so well this year! <333

    1. EEP I'm glad I could be encouraging! <3

      I'll be loving my goals as well, until I start to slack on them xD. And I'm super excited to start the blog series, too! :D

      Isn't it? I'll probably decorate the jar and keep it on my bookshelf - until I need more room for books xD. I LOVE your 'one sentence journal' idea - I might actually end up doing that myself!

      *gasps* YESSSS BURNING THORNS *is insanely excited*. I love that story SO CRAZY much and IT NEEDS TO BE A PUBLISHED THING. *will bribe your muse to help you with edits when the time comes* Also, LITERARY AGENTS?! You're brave, Christine :D. I hope it goes well for you! <3

      Aw, thank you so much, Lauri! *all the hugs and ice cream*

  8. Quoting you and everyone in the comments -- I love what you said about "Life never goes back -- life goes on." You could seriously make that into a wall quote or something. xD

    I loved reading these goals! I'm shooting for 100 books again as well I'm a little nervous about that, since I'm going to be doing more of writing/blogging/editing/working/school than I was last year (allll the things), but I really love reading, so I want to keep making that a priority. :P

    Ahh, yes. Journaling. My 2017 goal is to journal once a week, and then I have a daily devo journal that I use. I want to journal daily, buut... There's so much to do! And I'd probably end up saying, "I edited again today. I still hate editing," for most of the time. :P

    YOU GOT 2017. *fist pump* I believe in you and am so excited about upcoming post and projects by you. :D <3

    katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. Thank you, Katie! EEP you're so nice - I'd almost want to make it a wall quote except my wall is TOO FULL OF BOOKSHELVES xD. *pets the pretty books*

      WOW there are a lot of people shooting for 100 books - WE CAN ALL DO THIS *nodnod*. Also, YOU ARE EPIC for taking on so many things in 2017 *applauds superwoman Katie*

      "I edited again today. I still hate editing* xD SO TRUE. But every time you write that, give yourself cookies because YOU'LL FEEL BETTER and you'll have motivation to EDIT MORE and then people can read your EPIC EPIC STORIES *nodnod* xD.

      EEP, THANK YOU, KATIE! <3 *fistbump* WE WILL CONQUER 2017! :D

  9. Agh, I feel not wanting to take down Christmas decorations. My family waits until two Sundays after the New Year's to do so because we believe in keeping the spirit alive as long as we can.

    I need to read more. I've been in such a reading and writing slump that I can't even look at my Goodreads Reading Challenge, because I just cringe and want to move on to the next phase of my life. *hides under a Hobbit hole* I want to start journaling, too, but honestly, I write so much better and journal-like when I'm not trying. So it's more of, "Don't consciously tell yourself to do it, just do?"

    To 2017! *holds up dizzy apple cider* *cringes from fuzzy feeling that buzzes to the top of the nose*

    xoxo Morning

    P.S. The Blogger Yearbook is live on my blog, if you want to check that out!

    1. I think I'd feel Christmas-y after Christmas more if there was SNOW - but sadly, we don't have any snow right now xD. *glares at the snow-less ground*

      *drags Morning out of Hobbit hole and gives her a book* Reading slumps are hard - I had one of those in November, mostly because I was drowning in my NaNoWriMo writing xD.
      Ooh, do try to do it unconsciously then! Journal-like writing is so pretty *nodnod*.

      TO 2017! *plunges into the upcoming chaos*

      (*scampers away to check out the yearbook* :D)

  10. JOURNALING YES *shoves you off to stop being a lazy goldfish* do the thing xD


    can i just say i love this whole post and your whole blog yep yep HAPPY 2017 SAV!

    1. OKAY, OKAY, I WILL! (and if I don't, you can always get on me in the Hangouts, can't you? xD *runs away from the slapping queen*)

      I am? *ponders this* PROBABLY FOR NANOWRIMO :D.

      EEP THANK YOU SO MUCH, SARE! Happy 2017 to you, too! *hugs*

  11. Awesome post! I'm agreeing with everyone else-that quote is insanely awesome and SO true!

    Let's totally rock 100 books this year! =)

    1. Thanks so much, Micaiah! I'm glad everyone likes it :D.

      YES LET'S *begins reading all the books*

  12. You go girl!!!! You're so ambitious, I love it!!! Have fun with 2017!!!

    1. THANK YOU, Ellen! Maybe a little TOO ambitious - but we'll see xD.

      Same to you, girl! *hugs*

  13. Looooved this wrap-up, girl!!
    And oooh my you have big goals--knowing you, I'm sure you'll accomplish them. ;) 2017, here we come! ( we are. It's January 1st, BUT WHO CARES. XD)

    1. Thank ya, sister!

      Here's hoping I accomplish them! (though something tells me you want the story-goal completed just so you can read it xD)


  14. 2017 is going to be a great year! I don't really have any big resolutions--I kind-of take things season by season. ;) Love your goals! I want to see them get accomplished--especially the story writing ones! ;)

    1. Isn't it? I'm SUPER excited :D. Taking things season-by-season is great - I'm excited to see what YOU accomplish in 2017! :D

    2. *nervous laugh* Haha, me too!

  15. The week after Christmas is always kinda sad for me too... :P *gives you cake to cheer you up*

    100 books! Yay for you! I've bumped my goal down to only 50, since 2016 was...not my best year in reading... XD I only read like 35 books.

    I can't wait to read this blog series you're starting! What is it going to be about exactly? :)

    Here's hoping you have a GREAT 2017! :D

    1. *devours the cake, because no one turns down cake* xD

      I hope you reach fifty books! I think it's great that you're setting a lower goal - less pressure xD.

      It's going to be a character building series - but I won't tell you much, seeing as the first part is going to be posted pretty soon ;).


  16. And by the way, that memory jar idea is great! I might copy it... But instead use a notebook. =)

    1. Thank you! I LOVE the idea of doing it in a notebook, too - it would be cool to do a few years in the same notebook and look through them, sometime down the road :).

  17. Ahhh, NEW YEARS! o.o Love your goals - I'm sure you'll be able to complete them, you superhuman. ;)

    Some of mine are emotional and spiritual goals that I've set for myself, including more time dedicated to God + working on not caring so much about what I'm good at or who I am compared to others. But one of my material goals is to finish my current novel and write at least one more this year! Eeeek, here's to the upcoming rollercoaster, right?

    1. I LOVE New Years! It's almost liking starting with a "clean slate" of sorts - even if January first is basically the same as the day before xD.

      I love your goal on not comparing yourself - I have a hard time doing that with my writing, so I might make that an "unofficial" goal for myself ;). And I hope you're able to get your writing goals done, as well!

      Here's to the upcoming rollercoaster! xD *hops on*

  18. My family is doing the jar thing too! Am excited for this year. :)


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