
March 29, 2018

Highlights Of March 2018

   March swept by ten times faster than April did - want to hear all that went on?

Well, 'twas a quiet month again, mostly just me trying to juggle 101 writing projects, blogging things, and schoolwork. But I did do some pretty fun things! I got to video chat with the lovely Alea Harper, which was really fun, and of course Ariel snuck in and did her fair share of chatting, too xD.

Ooh, also - I finally watched Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them! I've been wanting to see this movie since before it came out, but it was one that I wanted to watch with my sisters and they were busy catching up on their oodles of T.V. shows. So when the trailer for The Crimes Of Grindewald released, I convinced them that we JUST HAD TO SEE IT and they finally agreed xD. And it was such a good movie - I'll probably review it at some point, but right now I'll just say that 1) I am giving it 4.5 stars, 2) Newt is the bestest main character of ever, and 3) if you get me (almost) any of Newt's creatures as a present we will be friends forever xD. It was such a good movie! Have any of you seen it?    

I got published for the first time! Splickety Magazine acquired my piece of flash fiction, Shoot Straight, for their Dystopian Disaster issue. They've actually acquired a piece for their upcoming April issue, too - so keep an eye out for that!

But besides that - I have an EXTREMELY full plate right now (if any of you read my Get To Know Me Tag, Writer's Edition, you will know this very well ;D). More pieces of flash fiction, a few short stories, my full-length manuscript that's still in zero-draft mode, and a couple other projects that I'm thinking on working on. It's crazy, but I love it. So much fun <3.

Also April Camp NaNoWriMo is coming. *runs and hides* (Ariel proofread this post and read that as "runs and dies" so uh ... if I don't come ever come back, you know why. NaNoWriMo finally slayed me xD)  

   Would you look at that - one reread and three books that I am reviewing/have already reviewed. So there's not much I can say in this section except here is my review of A Refuge Assured, and my reviews of The Tethered World and The Dressmaker's Secret are coming soon! (and everyone knows my views on The Scorpio Races already, 'cause I've reviewed that one too)

- Madeline debunked a bunch of myths about pirates and used lots of PotC gifs to do it, which was a ton of fun (one can never have too many PotC gifs xD). 

- Kendra Ardnek wrote a post entitle I am not a hand that I really enjoyed.

- Victoria wrote a post about characters who are jerks becoming our favorites later on in the book, and it was such a fun post to read. I always fall for the once-jerks, they're so fun xD.

- Faith (aka Florid Sword) and Christine did vlogs for the blogoversaries (Faith's first and Christine's seventh!), so definitely go check them out. They're both such sweet gals <3.

- my good friend Hanna posted about magic, and I loved it so much.

- The Hardworking Creative launched early this month, and I'm excited to see where it goes!

- my friend Micaiah won the One Teen Story contest and I AM SO PROUD OF HER <3 

- and, if you didn't catch this earlier - THE CRIMES OF GRINDEWALD HAS A TRAILER. OH GRACIOUS. Who else has already watched it multiple times? November can't come fast enough!

   More interviews (perhaps one very special one?), answers to the epic questions asked in the Ask The Author post, book reviews - the regular fun stuff ... and a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! ;D. I can't wait to show you what I've got planned! 

   Have an epic April, oh scribbling scribes <3.

~ Savannah Grace

have you watched Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them?
what kind of writer projects are you juggling right now?


  1. NEWT! I'll admit I didn't love Fantastic Beasts, but Newt is like the best main character of ever. I adore him so much. <3 <3 He was quirky and adorable and oh-so-relatable. <3


    And CONGRATS on publication! That's so awesome, girly! <3 Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Isn't he just? My sisters are Hufflepuffs, and they got a whole lot more House pride when I told them that Newt was a Hufflepuff xD.

      YOU'RE WELCOME I had so much fun watching it! And thanks, Faith - you're the best! <3

  2. I LOVE NEWT WITH ALL MY HEART. He is too precious. And he's so concerned for his animals!!! #relatable

    1. HE IS THE BEST EVER - he's one of my favorite main characters of all time! I can't wait for The Crimes Of Grinedewald to release because MORE. NEWT! ;D

  3. Aw, you linked to my post. *warm fuzzies*
    Can't wait to see what's next!

  4. I am so excited for The Crimes of Grindewald! I love Newt!

    1. I can't wait to scream over that movie with y'all when it comes out in November! It's going to be so good <3

  5. I'm so in awe at all your writing projects! Just...ALL THE EXCITING THINGS! And oh my goodness, you're going to be in Splickety again?? I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, SAVANNAH. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

    You are the sweetest to link to my blogoversary post. AWK. Thank you! <333

    You always have such exciting things happening on your blog! Can't wait for all the upcoming thiiings! :D

    Hope your April is the absolute BEST! (But like...APRIL?!?!?! Shouldn't it still be the middle of winter? My word. o.o)

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH, CHRISTINE. I'm extra excited about the April edition, because the piece getting published was actually something I entered a small contest with (it didn't win, haha), and now its getting published! I can't wait for you guys to see it <3.

      YOU'RE WELCOME! I always have a ton of fun watching your vlogs <3.

      Have an epic April-that-shouldn't-be-April yet, Lauri! ;D

  6. I haven't watched Fantastic Beasts! To be honest, I haven't read anything by J.K. Rowling or watched any of the movie adaptions of her books. *hides face* I don't know if I will ever get around to it....

    Aaaahahhh I need to read The Scorpio Races!!!! Like, right now. It's been on my TBR for awhile. It looks really good! Aw, and thank you for linking to me! <3

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT WHAT COULD IT BE?!?!?! *waits impatiently*

    Micaiah @ Notebooks and Novels

    1. *gasps* YOU SHOULD, Micaiah! I know a huge amount of people that won't read that series for personal reasons, but if you don't mind magic, you totally should - they're amazing <3.

      You're welcome, Miciah! I absolutely CANNOT WAIT to read your piece! <3

  7. I love NEWT SO MUCH!! He's so adorakable and awkward and I also want to live inside a magical suitcase like that omg absolute life goals. (Also hufflepuffs are soo cuuuute.) And I'm so glad you love The Scorpio Races because it is actually LIFE.

    I'm juggling a ton of writing projects too.😂 I'm editing one book while waiting to hear back on edits for some others while plotting TWO books mentally while needing to write out two that I've outlined and I just???? *buries self*😂

    Congrats on getting your story published too THAT IS SO AWESOME CAKE FOR YOUUUU!!

    1. YES I LOVE HIS AWKWARDNESS. And how he's always apologizing for everything ;D. HE'S JUST THE BEST. My sisters are all Hufflepuffs (I'm the random Ravenclaw? How did this happen?) and they have much House pride because of Newt xD.

      GOOD GRACIOUS CAIT. Treat yourself to lots of cake and naps so that you don't pass out, okay? We can't have you dying before A Thousand Perfect Notes releases! xD

      THANK YOU SO MUCH *gobbles cake*


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