
August 16, 2019

Story Embers: Three Ways to Avoid Stagnating Your Skills as a Storyteller

Y'all have probably figured out by now that I really love writing for Story Embers ;D. My latest article just went up yesterday, and it's one of my favorites. Why?

Because it's about expanding as a writer, which is a topic I love. And I'm excited to get to talk with y'all about it!  

image not mine

Many of us, myself included, struggle to break away from the types of stories we gravitate toward. We assume that we need more training before we can tackle a different genre or point of view. But expanding is one of our responsibilities as writers, and it’s a precursor to growth!

Growing means honing the talents we already have and becoming stronger writers overall. Expanding simply involves venturing outside our comfort zones. It stretches us and introduces us to techniques we wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

No writer can claim to be bad at expanding, except if they don’t try. Maybe you’ve never thought of this as a valuable habit to form. It’s not difficult or painful, and it can even be fun. By sharing my own experiences, I hope to show you how.

Read the rest of the article on STORY EMBERS

~ Savannah Grace

what kinds of stories do you gravitate towards?

August 1, 2019

Story Embers: Three Mindsets for Surviving (and Thriving) at Your First Writer's Conference

Guess what's terrifying for a lot of authors? Their first writers conference.

Having gone to my second writing conference just a few weeks ago (I promise a post about it is coming soon!), I thought it was high time I wrote an article on some mindsets that will help you not only survive, but thrive, at your first writing conference. And said article just went up on Story Embers today!

Want to take a peek at it?

image not mine

Conference season has arrived! And that means a fair amount of nail biting for new and returning attendees alike. Meeting authors you admire, pitching your work to agents, and trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible can be stressful.

But if you stash tips and tricks in your pocket, your first writing conference can be an enriching experience. No matter what stage you’re in—whether you’re drafting a novel, have finished one, or are engrossed in marketing—you’re passionate about impacting others through fiction. You mustn’t let fear hold you back from building relationships and learning techniques that will push you toward your goals.

Read the rest of the article on STORY EMBERS 

~ Savannah Grace

have you ever been to a writing conference? 
do you plan to go to one?