#ProjectCanvas: What's Your Writing Passion?

March 4, 2017

   Most of you who read this blog are probably writers - and most writers probably have a certain aspect of writing that they're especially passionate about. What's your writing passion?

My writing passion is definitely characters.

  I love everything about them, and they make or break a story for me. I think this is half the reason that my standalone novels end up turning into trilogies or series - I'm too attached to the people I've made up, and I know that their story still goes farther.

   I've loved teaching you all what I've learned about characters through my How To Liven Up Your Character series (click here for the latest post), and that's why I knew exactly what topic I wanted to write about when I found out about Project Canvas from Hannah White. I wanted to write about characters (big surprise. xD)

   Project Canvas is, as they state on the website, a collaborative writing project with a vision to create a book full of writing advice and inspiration for fellow writers.  

   Writers from all over the world will be contributing articles for Project Canvas - including myself, Abigayle Ellison, Katie Grace, Hannah White, and many more!

   What's your writing passion? I'd love to hear what your favorite part of storytelling is! And maybe you're interested in sharing what you've learned about writing in an article for Project Canvas - hop on over to their 'topics' page and see what's available ;). 

~ Savannah Grace 

   So, I'm dying to know - what's your writing passion?


  1. Mine is weird. I have discovered over time that my writing style is episodic (like Lucy Maud Montgomery and James Herriot). So mine is creating and writing scenes!

    I'll take an action or an event and create the people, sights and sounds of it. Most of my story notes are ideas for either dialogue or a physical event, or even just a concept (such as how would a prince betray another prince?)

    Writing characters would be a close second though. I have written entire stories just because I have been obsessed with one character before. But normally I at least have the synopsis of the plot before I begin character development. I get an initial idea for my plot but then get obsessed with the characters and their emotional responses to what happens in the plot. I have problems with plot holes where the reader knows that something happened (because of emotions of the character) but they don't know what happened!

    1. Ooh, really? That's so cool! I love that your writing style is a little bit like Lucy Maud Montgomery - it sounds like your books will be amazing ;). I have a little notebook dedicated to writing bits of dialogue in - dialogue is a place where I fall a bit flat, but it's so much fun!

      YES, character <3. I think it's neat that you write out a plot synopsis before you start on character development - I've always had to start with character, so I find it cool when people do it a different way!

  2. I'm so glad you posted about this! I really want to contribute as well. :)

    I would say my passion is characters as well. I try not to get too attached because I know that I'll have to say goodbye to them at some point, BUT I CAN'T. I end up creating prequels, a sequel, and even a possible spinoff series. XD What is wrong with me...

    1. Ooh, I hope you do! It's so fun finding out that lots of my blogger friends are writing articles for Project Canvas :D.

      OH GRACIOUS, I have the same problem - Killing Snow already has a possible prequel and sequel in the making, and I haven't even finished Killing Snow xD.

  3. AAAAAAAAH. YOU'RE DOING PROJECT CANVAS! I can't WAIT to hear all your advice about characters (yes, I'm looking forward to next January xD)

    I sort of smushed two ideas together for my topic: theme and writing passion (which just about sum up my favorite parts of being a writer). I scraped a few drafts before deciding to outline the article. PROJECT CANVAS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME.

    (oh, and I love the new header and button, btw :D)


    audrey caylin

    1. YES I AM - and I'm super excited about it! I can't wait until y'all can read the thing xD.

      Oh my goodness, you're writing an article, too? *all the highfives* I'm SUPER excited to read what you write! I loved your post about theme, so I'm sure your article will be epic ;).

      (thank you! They were fun to make ;))

  4. ohhhh I forgot about this project canvas thing!! I'm totally doing it tho. LIKE HOW COOL RIGHT?!?!?!

    hmmmm. my writing passion..that's a really good question. Usually it's my characters that stir a passion in me bc I desperately want to write their story, and from there, it just grows.

    yeah, that. lol

    1. You are? AWESOME *highfives*. Project Canvas is going to be SO EPIC.

      I'm so excited to someday get my hands on a book you wrote. It would be amazing. I want to beta so bad xD.

  5. Replies
    1. AWESOME *highfive*. Now I wish it was January so I can read everyone's articles!

  6. Ahhh I'm so excited!! I can't wait to read your article! :D

  7. :O :O :O THIS IS SO COOL. AND YOU'RE ONE OF THE WRITERS. EEP. I'm excited for you!

    I was just nodding along in total agreement to this post, because my writing passion is 100% CHARACTERS. Always and forever. They're my heart and soul and the very thing that keeps me writing and writing. Plots and things are fun and all, but if not for characters I would no way have such a drive to write. They're EVERYTHING.

    CHARACTERS FOREVER! *fistpump*

    1. Oh, good gracious, THANK YOU so much, Lauri! <3

      And I can definitely tell - your characters are GOALS. GOALS, girl. Not even kidding. I can't wait until Burning Thorns is published so I can read the precious thing again! <3

  8. My writing passion has to be characters! I love creating new personalities and backstories. It's gonna be hard killing them off, though. *cries miserably

    1. Creating backstories is SO much fun - though for some reason I'm better at creating secondary character backstories than main character backstories xD.

    2. Same here! I actually found myself liking my secondary character more than my main character, and I felt kinda bad about it. lol xD

  9. My writing passion is probably my characters. I get attached to them...which is kind of weird. I also have a passion for plots and my characters lives. I can't stop writing their backgrounds!!!

    1. I don't find it weird at all! I get super attached to my characters, too. How could we not be, after all the hard work its taken to create them? :D

    2. I know. After a while they feel like your family. :)

  10. Characters-they're the best! That's my passion too-although theme is important to me as well. =)

    Project Canvas looks so cool! I'll have to check it out...


    1. I just signed up to write an article for this-super excited! =D

    2. Characters and themes are awesome! I find that theme sneaks itself into my story - I never know what a story's theme is going to be in the beginning, but by the end I can see how it's sneakily weaved itself in xD.

      You signed up? Awesome! *highfive* I can't wait until the book comes out so that I can read everyone's articles!

  11. I'm crazy about my characters, like I'm lowkey obsessed XD I literally feel like you're giving birth to people, that live and grow through your imagination. I was planning to write a fantasy trilogy but now I have sequels and prequels and spinoffs ideas so we'll see how that goes :D

    ooh, Imma check project canvas out soon :)

    1. *highfives* Characters are so awesome :D. I planned to write a standalone novel - and while it technically still is a standalone, I'm writing a prequel and sequel to it now xD.

  12. Characters are totally my passion too!! I always tend to make up to many of them, and then I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them all. XD

    1. Oh gracious - I have the opposite problem! I got so attached to one character that I only want to write about them - and then I forgot that maybe the cast should be a bit bigger xD.

  13. This thing AGAIN?? This keeps popping up everywhere!

    I definitely think my passion is theme. Just...it's such a hugely important part of writing and yet a lot of people don't seem to know what it is or how to write it well. So yes.

    I've come really really close to signing up for Project Canvas and then I read the fine print and realised that it might not work very well at all with my being international. So, with an effort, I declined. It looks so cool though and I'm so happy for you that (EEEk) you're writing for them. *flails* GO YOU. :D

    1. *guiltily raises hand* I'm definitely one of those people who doesn't write themes well xD. I mean, my stories (at least the more recent ones) have it, but it was put there unintentionally, and I don't realize it's there until the story is complete! At least its fun to be surprised ;).

      Aw, that's sad - I wish you were able to write an article for it! But THANK YOU so much, Prill! I'm excited ;).

  14. Yay you're doing it!! *bounces* I'm /really/ looking forward to seeing everybody's stuff.

    I think my writing passion is history? Which is not necessarily exclusively writing, but I love detailed historical things and when people get it right and I love the research (I spend many more hours than I need to on the research). Probably a good thing that's what I want to study in college.

    1. So am I! It's going to be so cool to see a whole book written by all my writer-ly friends :D.

      History? I totally count that as a "writing passion" - I hate doing research for my stories, so I'm kind of in awe of all the people who love their craft enough to go digging for the right facts :D.

  15. i only write and scribble away on my blog, so i'm not sure if i could properly answer this question.
    however...it was a pleasure to visit your blog for the first time! :)

    i pray you'll be blessed!


    1. Scribbling away on a blog is lots of fun ;). I'm glad that you stopped by, Ashley! <3

  16. I literally just signed up for this. XD I'm sorry I've practically died off the face of the blogging world-- I literally have eighteen different things going on besides the usual school and chores. It's overwhelming.

    xoxo Morning

    1. Haha, that's awesome xD. And that's fine! I've been kind of overwhelmed by school and writing stuff, myself - so I can't imagine how busy you must be right now. I'll be praying for you!

  17. That is so exciting, Savannah! You'll be awesome.

    Characters might be mine too? Having good morals and hopeful themes is also very important to me, whether I'm reading or writing.

    1. Thank you, Hanna! I'm really excited :D.

      A hopeful theme is something I find in a lot of your stories, and it's lovely ;).

    2. Aw, thank you! That's really encouraging. <3

  18. I don't think I will do Project Canvas because I don't think I have anything worth written in the book but I guess my passion is the setting. I love to describe the surroundings!!

    What exactly is Camp Nano Wrimo in April?? I don't want to miss it.
    I did Nano Wrimo last November.

    - Lilly Shyree (alillyingodsgarden.blogspot.com)

    1. Ooh, setting - I'm jealous of any and all writers who can describe settings well. I'm terrible at that - but I'm working on it xD.

      Camp NaNoWriMo is basically like NaNoWriMo, except you can set your own wordgoal and join a virtual "cabin" full of other writers, so that you can write with friends during that month. Here's the link to the website: campnanowrimo.org

  19. Tagged you for The Songs, Movies, and Books Tag, if you're interested, Savannah! :) http://shantellemary.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-songs-movies-and-books-tag.html


    1. Thank you for tagging me, Shantelle! I'll have to check that out ;).


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