How Do You Decide Which Project To Work On?
The one that's shrieking the loudest. Or the one that survives my plot-bunny version of the Hunger Games.
Seriously, though - I normally have a million and one projects on my writing desk at any given time. I decide which one/s to work on according to deadlines and inspiration. I'm currently working on my story(s) for the Rooglewood writing contest, but after I finish up with that, I'll be going back to Killing Snow (it's ... still not done. After almost a year and a half. But I AM hoping it will be the one that gets published, so I guess it's good that I'm taking my time? xD).
How Long Does It Normally Take You To Finish A Project?

I have no idea. I think Time is a little confused when it comes to me. It shouldn't take me the same amount of Time to finish a novel and a novella. I don't even know anymore. (average time honestly depends on how serious I am about the project, though.)
Do You Have Any Routines To Put You In A Writing Mood?
Get the rest of my responsibilities out of the way so that, once I start writing, I DON'T NEED TO STOP. I can write in teeny little spats of time if I have to, but it's ten times easier to clear out an hour or so and tell myself that I'm going to write my brains out for that amount of time. And usually, after the half hour or so, I'm on a roll, and everything goes smoothly from there! (*cough*sortof*cough*) Grabbing some paper and a pen seems like it might be a good idea before I start writing, but I HAVE been known to write notes on my hand when no paper is around (it currently has grey ink-stains on it from when I was trying to figure out a character's name ...) xD.
What Time Of Day Do You Write Best?
It depends (I'm so vague on my answers in this post. Someone help xD). I think that I write best in the evening, but sometimes my evenings are too busy for me to be able to write. Sometimes my entire 24 HOURS IN A DAY are too busy for me to write. So, honestly, my best time is any time I have time. xD
Are There Any Other Authors You Think You Have A Similar Style To?
Oh, gracious. I'm still developing my writing voice! Plus, my voice tends to change to match the feel of the story (I feel like this is a terrible thing, but it's working for me right now?). Just compare the two short stories that I posted on here (10 'Till Midnight and The Testing), and I think you'll understand that a little bit. I honestly would feel super presumptuous trying to compare my writing voice to any author's ... so I'll skip this question, please and thank you xD.
Why Did You Start Writing, And Why Do You Keep Writing?
I stared writing when I was around ten or eleven years old, mostly because I had stories in my head (and of course my very first stories were about girls and wizards and horses and dragons. Typical xD). And because writing is a good way to cope with life sometimes. I continue writing for the exact same reason - telling me not to write would be almost like telling me not to breath. Well, okay, that's slightly unrealistic. Telling me not to think like a storyteller would be exactly like telling me not to breath. Multiple times my family has laughed at me for getting 'this look' on my face when, all of a sudden, I run into a story idea. I am most definitely wired like a writer. There ain't no changing this.
What's The Hardest Thing You've Ever Written?
Killing Snow. Without a doubt, Killing Snow - the entire novel. And I'm not even done with it yet! There's still so many more drafts that need to be written, and so much polishing that needs to be done. The scenes are rough and raw and messy, but they also feel so real to me. And while it's the hardest, it's also my favorite story that I've ever written. I can't wait until I can pen 'the end' on it for the last time (even though I'll probably cry once I do)!
Is There A Project You Want To Tackle Someday But You Don't Feel Ready Yet?
Huh. I don't know? I mostly start writing my projects right when I think of them, whether it would be wiser to wait or not! The only things that I tend to put off are the ones I feel like I would need to research stuff for before I started xD.
However, I would really love to do a retelling of a lesser-known story sometimes - maybe a myth (I'd love to do one on Thesus and the Minotaur someday, but I don't know the story well enough to randomly start on that). But it would also be cool to do a retelling of a dystopian Narnia - but I'm not even sure if that's allowed, so it would probably never happen. And I'd also really enjoy doing a backstory-type retelling for some classic characters, like how Heartless is a retelling of The Queen Of Hearts ...
Okay, I gotta stop. The plot bunnies are piling high enough without me helping them xD.
What Writing Goals Did You Make For 2017 And How Are They Going?
Did I make any goals? *goldfish brain moment*
Oh wait ... I wrote a whole post on that. Hehe.
a) write the first draft of the novel Killing Snow. (I'm almost halfway there!)
b) start on a brand new story. (I've started on ... too many brand new stories. Oops)
c) bring one of my dead stories into existence again. (*ponders* Nope, don't think I did that. Oh well - I have enough new stories to deal with as it is!)
d) participate in all three NaNoWriMo events. (Well, seeing as I'm in the middle of the second one, I'm doing pretty good!)
e) enter some writing competitions. (I'm still working on my entry for the Rooglewood writing contest ;P)
... I think I'm doing pretty well? But we'll see how this list is looking at the end of the year! xD
Describe Your Writing Process In Three Words Or A Gif!
Pfft, one gif? That's like saying I have ONE EMOTION during the writing process. That's incorrect. I have three. These three ...
The last one occurs the most often. Go figure.
So, there's my answers for the latest Beautiful People linkup! I hope it was interesting (and not too scary?) to have a peek into my writing world xD.
~ Savannah Grace
Why did you start writing, and why do you keep writing? What routines do you use to keep you in the writing mood?