
December 31, 2018

Highlights of December 2018

So um. 2018 is over tomorrow.

*casually passes out*

(we can all tell how this month's been xD)

Well, it's December, so obviously all the holiday things happened. I made a literal landslide of cards, some as a fundraiser for my cousin and some to send out to the gazillion people on my Christmas card list (some of them have ... still not gone out, to be honest ... but I got sick on Christmas Eve, okay? I've been down for awhile! ;D). I adore making Christmas cards though, so that was tons of fun.

And then my relatives came up for a surprise visit the week before Christmas (which was literally the best surprise and it was almost spoiled multiple times ;D) and we had an absolute blast. We also had a gingerbread house competition that skyrocketed xD. (I'M COMPETITIVE, OKAY? My sisters call me Stark (as in Tony) as a nickname for a reason ;D)

We also went to my younger sisters' piano recital while my relatives were visiting, and it was super fun, I always love watching them play (plus, one of them played a really complicated version of The Greatest Showman, which sounded AH-MAZING, so <3 <3 <3. Actually, she has a music YouTube channel, so you should definitely go check her out over at Skylar Reese. (and Jaidyn, who also played at the recital, has a cooking channel right here!)    

I've also spent a portion of December designing my bullet journal, which has been lots of fun, I can't wait to start using it in 2019! I may or may not have a YouTube video coming up about it ... you'll have to wait and see! ;)

Marvel rewatches happened, too - some more of my  siblings are finally old enough to watch them, so we went through all the Captain America movies + Spiderman: Homecoming + a few others with them. It's been a ton of fun! (also INFINITY WAR IS FINALLY ON NETFLIX, SO *scrambles away to watch it again and cry* xD. I'll be rewatching it with my sisters at midnight tonight!)

And, since it's the end of the year, I've also been planning out social media stuff for 2019 - and trust me, I have some fun stuff planned for all my social media outlets ;). I can't wait to show you guys!

Well, for starters, I was published by Splickety again! They're actually closing their doors, so I was in their final issue, which I was really happy about. You can check out the Christmas Abroad issue of Splickety right here (in which you'll find my piece, The Red-Eye Flight). 

Speaking of publishing - remember when I mentioned Havok Publishing being open for submissions? Well, I am now one of the associate editors for Havok Publishing, AND it's launching AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Coming from someone who has secret-y insider info (shh...) Havok is going to be SERIOUSLY epic. So make sure not to miss that! (and if you're more of a writer than a reader, we're always accepting submissions right here, and we'd love to see yours!) 

I've also dived deep into the world of freelance writing for more than just fun. I've been submitting to a ton of places (seriously, you guys, if you're ever looking for links to places to submit to, I'm your  gal), and I'm really excited to see what happens from here.

I did a little editing again on Forgotten (*cough* my monster novel *cough*) but after realizing it basically had FOUR CLIMAXES ( did I does this? *passes out*), my brain kind of shut down on me xD. So I took a break on it for a little while, but I plan to start up on it again in a couple days. Prayers would be appreciated for that, because it is seriously giving me grief xD.

Also, I've been on and off considering starting up freelance editing. Would you guys be interested in that (it would either be free or extremely low pricing), or do you never really look into using freelance editors for your writing? Let me know in the comments!

I finished my reread of The Raven Cycle this month! Oh my gracious do I love this series <3 <3 <3. It was especially fun this time because one of my good friends was reading it at the same time (for the first time!), as were my sisters (also for the first time - and they're still not done yet! xD) so it was basically a Raven Cycle bonanza and I HAD SO MUCH FUN.

Y'all have heard me rave about this series enough, so I'll simply drop the link to my review of this series that I did earlier this year, and say that I LOVE THE RAVEN CYCLE <3

On The Blog

On YouTube

Also - the winner of the Fawkes Book Swag giveaway is Allison Riera! Congrats, Allison - I'll be emailing you soon, so be watching for it! ;)

- Gray Marie did an awesome post about annoying tropes to leave in 2018, and it was super insightful, would definitely recommend it.

- I know it's well past Christmas, but Lisa Elis wrote a short holiday piece that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE and y'all need to run over and read it before winter ends because it is the best thing ever *shoos you away*

- (as is this post by Hanna Rothfuss, "At Last, The King" - short and quick, but well worth reading even if it isn't anywhere near Christmas anymore ;D)

- Also, do yourself a favor and hop on over to Deborah O' Carroll's blog and read her recent post about her writing and characters. I DIE EVERY TIME SHE POSTS SNIPPETS OR CHARACTER INTERVIEWS. BECAUSE THEY ARE GOLD <3.

- Victoria at Wanderer's Pen did a book review of Mortal Engines, which was great - I'm super excited to read the book and then see the movie (hopefully soon!).

- An awesome post went up on Story Ember's on what Thanos and Ultron can teach us about creating villains, and it was super helpful. I think I figured out what's wrong with one of my villains by reading it xD. Would definitely recommend!

- Rooglewood's Five Poison Apples anthology released! I'm so proud of the authors in this anthology (especially the sweet Skye Hoffert and Maddie Morrow!) and I absolutely can't wait to read their beautiful works. It's going to be amazing!

- Bitter Winter by Jaye L. Knight and Decree by Tricia Mingerink  both released, which of course made all of us fangirls scream with happiness. I'm so excited to read them both!

- Also, INFINITY WAR IS FINALLY ON NETFLIX. Who's ready to cry scream die watch it again? (*cough*me*cough*)
Jan 2019 is going to be INSANE, people - absolutely TONS of stuff going on over at Havok, so I really hope you'll be following along over there, because we've got so much epic stuff coming. And I'll be active on my Instagram and YouTube, as per usual (I've got some neat stuff coming!) 

As for the blog? I've got some special posts planned that I think you're going to like ... but for now, I'm keeping it under wraps ;). You'll just have to wait and see...

I hope your December (and your 2018!) was amazing, and that January is just as good! LET'S GO CONQUER 2019, MY FRIENDS. <3

~ Savannah Grace 

how was your December?
are you excited for Havok's launch?

December 21, 2018

10 Gifts for Writers and Bookworms + A GIVEAWAY!!


(*insert the sound of my festivity-loving soul singing hallelujah*)

Which means buying presents for that lovely bookworm/writer in your life - and absolutely dying as you try to find them something that...isn't a book.

I'm here to help you out.(*whispers* and also a smol giveaway because #fun) This post is a little late, but I figured it might be good for some of y'all who are still looking for last-minute gifts (*cough* me *cough*) ;D. Let's go!

1.  Book-Inspired Candles

Or just candles in general! What writer/bookworm doesn't like to have a devouring little flame right next to their books as they write?? *has a panic attack as I light yet another candle*

When it comes to bookish candles, I love Novelly Yours (they have a great selection, and the scents are so good!), and I've also heard lots of good things about In The Wick of Time, and author S.D. Grimm also creates and sells candles in her Esty shop, BookishlyGrimm!

image credit Novelly Yours
2. Bookshelf decorations 

What writer or bookworm doesn't have a shelf OVERFLOWING with books? And what writer or bookworm doesn't want JUST ONE MORE THING to cause the shelf to overflow with??

*sheepishly raises hand*

You know what, maybe I should have added "bookshelf" to this list ;D. But pretty much every bookworm or writer will love getting a cute bookshelf trinket for Christmas - Funko Pops are always fun, and so are quirky bookends, and there are tons of other options out there! (I mean, just search up "bookshelf decor" on Amazon or Google. The possibilities or endless O.O)

3. Literary Shirts/Totes/Gloves/Socks/You name it 

Literally EVERYTHING can be bought literary-style now - tote bags, fingerless gloves, hoodies, scarves. Pretty much every clothing item in existence. And literary-inspired gift are (spoiler alert) GREAT for bookworms! ;D Litographs and Storiarts always have epic products, so I would suggest starting there.

image credit Litographs

4.  A subscription to Kindle Unlimited or Audible

Kindle Unlimited is A TREASURE TROVE, you guys - literally, a treasure trove. I'm not the biggest fan of eBooks personally, but if you know someone who is, this would be an incredible gift to get them! (or Audible, if they are a lover of audio books) I mean, giving them access to tons and tons of Kindle books for free? Um, yeah, please and thank you!

5.  A Book Poster

Because what else should we do with our bare, blank walls but cover them in gorgeous literary posters? Litographs has some super-nice ones that are really cool, I could look through them for days (warning: don't start browsing unless you have a good amount of time on your hands. It's like a never-ending abyss of book-things ;D).
image credit Litographs

6. Notebooks

Alright, yes - EVERY writer has way more notebooks than they can use. But why is this? Because we love notebooks with every fiber of our being ;D. Notebooks are a pretty sure-fire way to a writer's heart, so if you're stuck trying to find a gift that ISN'T a book, notebooks are a pretty good way to go. (bonus points if it's a unique or quirky notebook!) 

7. A subscription to a book box

Guys. Book boxes. They are literally a bookworm's dream come true. And there's so, so many of them out there! I would recommend Owl Crate, Once Upon a Book Club, Unicorn Crate, or FairyLoot's boxes for the reader in your life. And if it's a writer you're buying for, you might want to check out Scribbler - they're a subscription box geared more towards novelists, and they also have the most epic stuff.

image credit Unicorn Crate
8. A Book-ish Care Package (or maybe just food) 

My sisters made me a massive snack box (so large that we named it xD) before I left for Realm Makers a few months ago, and it was such a fun gift! And I have a feeling a lot of your writer and bookworm friends would enjoy it, too - plus it's a SUPER fun gift to put together! There's so many options for things to fill it with: bookmarks,jewelry, pens, stationary, FOOD ;D. The possibilities are endless!

9. Book-inspired Jewelry 

Was I or was I not thrilled when my sisters bought me an Evenstar necklace, based off of one of my favorite fandoms of all-time? (hint: there's only one right answer here ;D) Book-inspired jewelry is super fun, and there's so much of it! Etsy is the best place to look for stuff like this, I'm always astonished by the creativity of all the people that sell stuff there.

10. A Book

You knew this was coming YOU KNEW IT ;D. Just to give you the most obvious one for last - bookworms and writers LOVE BOOKS! (shocker, yes)

BUT if you want a tad more help, here as some of my top recommendations in a few genres (there are some content issues with a couple of them, so use discretion if your reader is on the young side ;)):

- Fantasy: Caraval by Stephanie Garber or Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi (or Storm Siren by Mary Weber)
- Historical Fantasy: Fawkes by Nadine Brandes
- Historical: The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill
- Sci-Fi: The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber
- Dystopian: Scythe by Neal Shusterman
- Middle Grade:  Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley or the Wingfeather series by Andrew Peterson
- Contemporary: Porch Swing Girl by Taylor Bennett or Wonder by R.J. Palacio (or A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews)   
- Fairytale Retelling: Entwined by Heather Dixon
- Short Story/Flash Fiction: Stars and Soul by Rosalie Valentine or Dear Jamie, Love Rory by Micaiah Saldana

And there are some of my gift recommendations for y'all! But I have a bonus one for you - guess what else bookworms/writers love? Book swag! SO I thought I would put together a smol book swag giveway for y'all, just for fun - and it's all book swag that goes with the incredible Fawkes, by Nadine Brandes. If this book isn't on your Christmas list, it should be!

This giveaway includes:

- a signed Fawkes bookplate and bookmark
- a custom Fawkes bookmark
- a Fawkes mask card (your choice of one of these two!)

Here's hoping I can make a Brandes fan smile with this little giveaway ;D. Y'all can enter using THIS FORM - and the giveaway is open until the 24th! (EDIT: until the 31st, actually) (Christmas Eve, y'all! I'm already prepared to not sleep a wink) I'll email the winner shortly after New Year's day. 

Best of luck, y'all, and happy holidays! <3

~ Savannah Grace

what's the best bookish/writerly gift you've been given?
are you a fan of Nadine Brandes' books?

December 6, 2018

Book Review - Stars and Soul by Rosalie Valentine

You've probably heard me shout about this book a time or two when it released. Or seven. Or ten.

And now I finally get to review it for you!! Who wants to hear my thoughts on Stars and Soul?

4 Stars

Oh gracious, you guys - I LOVED Stars and Soul! It was such a perfectly sci-fi read, and included some of the best flash fiction I've ever read. It's also adorably tiny, so I was able to read it all in one sitting. And since it's so tiny, I'll be reviewing it story-by-story - there were four in this collection, and I enjoyed them all!

From The Back Cover 

A scheming imperial family.
A bedraggled starship captain.
A runaway artificial intelligence.
A dying general.

Four small stories of stars and soul.

“A fun, thoughtful, quick read.” – Steve Rzasa, author of The Face of the Deep series

“Rosalie Valentine needs no more than 1,000 words to send your emotions stirring.” – Nadine Brandes, author of the Out of Time series, Fawkes, and Romanov

- That Softness. When a book starts out with a story like That Softness, you know the whole thing is going to be good. I SERIOUSLY wanted a full novel of That Softness when I finished it, it felt like there was so much more to the story of the siblings in this piece! I honestly couldn't stop thinking about this one after I stopped reading it, it was so good.  

- Captain-ish-ness. This one came very, very close to being my absolute favorite! Fallon was so relatable and I just absolutely loved her and her frazzled-captain attitude ;D. She was such a vivid character and I adored her, she totally made the entire story.

- Nothing. I love a good AI story, and Nothing was certainly one of those. It was super intriguing, and I really wanted to know what happened next! (also, can we just pause a moment to realize how amazing the names Oberon and Domino are for story characters? Thanks)
- Star-Rise. Oh look! And here we come to my absolute favorite story in the entire collection! Star-rise was so, SO good. I had high expectations for it going in (I blame the amazing title art ;D), and it met them in such an epic way! It was the best story with which to end Stars and Soul and I ADORED IT. <3 <3 <3
- It was so short! I guess this was to be expected, since Stars and Soul is a collection of flash fiction, but it was just so shooooooort ;D. Which did make the pacing feel a tad fast sometimes, but overall IT WAS SO GREAT and I was seriously impressed by this book of flash fiction!
Stars and Soul was such a perfect collection of gloriously galaxy-inspired stories. If you love a) flash fiction or b) short sci-fi stories (there's a tongue twister), you would love this teeny little book! (it would also make the perfect stocking stuffer for your bookworm friends!) I would definitely recommend it to y'all, I think you guys will love it.

And there are my thoughts on the amazing little collection that is Stars an Soul by Rosalie Valentine! I hope y'all enjoyed it and that YOU'RE HAVING A LOVELY HOLIDAY SEASON SO FAR <3. Keep being epic, my friends!

~ Savannah Grace 

have you read this book yet?
do you enjoy reading/writing flash fiction?

November 30, 2018

Highlights of November 2018

November. One of the most wonderful months in the year - and November 2018 (while being more low-key and chill, by my standards) was particularly good! Want to hear about it?

I kicked November off by going to an AMAZING concert with some of my closest friends - it was so incredibly fun and I miiiight have been a little (or a lot) hoarse afterwards from all the screaming/singing I did ;D. Also, pro tip: PLEASE do not wear shoes with a two-inch heel to a concert where you will jump and dance a lot. You will regret it the next day. A lot xD. But Rend Collective knows how to put on a good show, and I had an absolute blast!

... and then of course I came down sick for two weeks after that ;D.

But after I'd recovered (and watched way too much Marvel while I should have been sleeping), I came back to life to find that my mom and all of my sisters had gotten hooked on a new hobby - bullet journaling.

"oh boy," said my brain.

And guess who is now ALSO hooked on bullet journaling? ;D

the mess that was our table on Thankgiving Eve ;D

I've spent the last chunk of November planning out my 2019 bullet journal and I'm having WAY too much fun. I'll probably do a post or YouTube video about it at some point. Speaking of which, I also spent a good portion of Thanksgiving break planning ahead on social media things. And I've got some epic stuff coming for y'all ;D. If you don't want to miss it, you'll want to be following me on YouTube and Instagram, too!

Thanksgiving was a little more low-key this year, but I had TONS of fun hanging out with my family and playing games, and watching the Macy's parade like we do every year. And eating way more food than is good for anyone ;D. It was an epic day, and it was also the day that we always break out AAALLL the Christmas music, which was super fun (and I've had Christmas music playing in my head on repeat ever since then and am I complaining? NOPE)

*whispers* also, I may or may not have already started on all of the Christmas cards I have to make this year. Am I slowly becoming obsessed, yes or no? (there's only one right answer here ;D)

My sisters (Skylar and Jaidyn) also put on their orchestra/band concert at the end of the month, and it was so, so fun to go watch them play! They did so good <3. (and one of the songs that was played was actually composed by my insanely musical sister, Skylar Reese, and that was incredibly cool to hear!!)  

Spoiler alert: I did NOT even attempt to win NaNoWriMo this month *cue gasps of shock* ;D

If you read last month's recap post, I said that in the middle of October I decided to take a break from doing any writing that I felt pressured to do. And turns out, this was the right decision. November was an amazing month writing-wise. I wrote whatever I wanted whenever I wanted without any pressure at all, and I ended up with a full short story that I'm pretty proud of (I actually ended up entering it in a contest last-minute, so we'll see how that goes!).

So, yes - while November was my "chill" writing month, I still got a lot done. I even did some spur-of-the-moment editing! Seriously, you guys - if y'all ever feel that you really need a break from writing, never feel bad about taking one. Sometimes it's an awfully good choice ;D.

I also had time to put a couple entries together for Kathy Ide's Promising Beginnings contest! I'm really excited to see how that turns out *crosses fingers*.

Okay and because I like to be a tease and save the best for last A SMOL PIECE OF MINE MIGHT HAVE BEEN POSTED ON THE WRITER'S DIGEST SITE??? LIKE WHUT?? You can read it here!!! (it's story B, the one about Crow-Man's son!) 

+ part of Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

I reread Raven Boys this month. And it was lovely. That is all you need to know.

But you probably want to hear slightly more than that, huh? ;D

- Dear Jamie, Love Rory by Micaiah Saldana. I was so excited to read this sweet story written by my dear friend, and it didn't disappoint! Dear Jamie, Love Rory was so cute and I absolutely loved it! And it's a short story, so I didn't need to feel guilty for not doing writing or some such thing ;D. A solid 4 stars to this story!

- Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand. No. Just no. I got a few minutes in and DNFed. 0 stars. Will not be picking it back up. Which was a disappointment, because I've liked the other books I've read by this author! But it is what it is. (and what it is is no)

- Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young. Okay, it took me WAY too long to read this book after everyone on the Internets was screaming about ;D. But I finally got to it, and I ADORED IT. SO MUCH. Eelyn was just the best and the storyworld was <3. And the plot! The plot was amazing! Basically, 4.5 stars to this book and I love it and maybe I'll get up a review for it soon? We'll see!  

I also read Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi this month, and did a post about it here if you want to see some of my thoughts on it!

On The Blog

On YouTube

- PROJECT CANVAS RELEASED! I'm so proud of this book <3 <3 <3. A post went up on the Project Canvas blog about the cover designer's process for creating the epic cover, and it was really cool to read.

- There's been cool pre-order stuff going on this month! Tricia Mingerink is having a really neat pre-order giveaway for her upcoming novel, Decree, and Mary Weber announced the INCREDIBLE pre-order goodies that come with To Best the Boys! And trust me, you don't want to miss it.  

- K.M. Weiland did a SUPER helpful post on how to successfully start a novel with a dream that I highly recommend (because it is HARD to hook me on a book that starts with a dream ;D)

- Rosalie Valentine did a great post with 7 questions to ask yourself during NaNo, but I think the questions go for any time, honestly, so definitely check it out.

- Jane did an epic post on being different online than we are in real life, and it was really great and super thought-provoking. Would definitely recommend it.(and she posted one of the most amazing pieces of flash fiction ever and I LOVE IT <3)

- STARS AND SOUL RELEASED AND I AM STILL SCREAMING. Check out the author's post about it here, or go straight to Amazon and buy thyself a copy like I did xD. 

- also, The Crimes of Grindewald released. Am I excited or am I excited? (*screams happily into the void*)

*deep breaths* ;D

I have a couple fun winter-y posts and YouTube videos planned, and I'm super excited to share them with you! And I may or may not have a teensy smol giveway coming up ... but I don't know which social media platform I'll be having it on yet. SO if you don't want to miss that, make sure you're following me here and on YouTube and Instagram!

SO - I hope your November was amazing, and that your December is even better! HAVE AN INCREDIBLE HOLIDAY SEASON, MY FRIENDS <3 <3 <3.

~ Savannah Grace 

how was your November?
what holiday-things have you done already?

November 24, 2018

What We Can Learn From Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

I finished reading the massive, gargantuan book that is Children of Blood and Bone on the first of November (when it really would have been more appropriate to do another Scorpio Races reread, but PRIORITIES, y'all), and I LOVED IT.


You guys were expecting a book review, huh? ;D Well, I already posted a review of it over on my YouTube channel (you can find it HERE!), and figured I wouldn't parrot all of that right back at you guys. So here we are with a post that's a little different from a book review, but it's still going to be a ton of fun.

Alright, ANYways, I think it's time we ask the question - what CAN we learn from Children of Blood and Bone?

- How to gracefully handle multiple POVS - 

First person POVS - even just ONE first person POV - can be a little difficult to handle. And CoBaB (does anyone else try to read that as kabob? No? Just me? Okay, carry on) didn't have just one first person POV. It also didn't have two.

It had THREE.

Normally, when there's this many differing POVS, they either a) start to all sound alike or b) I will be far more interested in one POV than I am in the others, and so I'll...ah...skip sections to return to said interesting person's POV. Oh, hush, you've probably done that too ;D.

But the three POVs (two gals, one guy) in CoBaB were all distinct and ALL interesting! How was this done, and how can you do it, too? Well:

- Know how your characters think. Just by reading CoBaB, you could tell that the author really knew her characters - which is super important when writing in multiple POVs. How else are you going to give each of your characters a distinct voice if you don't know how they think?  

- Keep the stakes high for everyone. This was a big portion of the reason why each POV was equally interesting to read - because the stakes were equally high for everyone. Keeping the stakes through the roof for each of your point-of-view characters really helps to keep reader's attention.

- How to build outside-the-box worlds - 

The worldbuilding for Children of Blood and Bone was INSANE, you guys - INSANE. It was super African-inspired and flat-out different from the other stuff I've read. But not only was it different, it was really, really vivid.

I have a weird problem, you guys. I sometimes have a really hard time picturing what the setting is like in the books I read - and I didn't have this problem AT ALL with Children of Blood and Bone. The world seemed to create itself in my head and it was wonderful. But what, exactly, made the worldbuilding so good and easy to imagine?

- Culture. Half of the reason that Children of Blood and Bone had such a vibrant world was because of the culture. CoBaB is very African-inspired, and the culture is, too, which made the world leap off the page that much more. Tying in your culture with your worldbuilding is a seriously great way to take it up another notch. 

- Changing Landscapes. *cheers madly for the fact that this book had vastly differing landscapes* And now we come to the other half of the reason why CoBaB's world was so great - it didn't stay the same. The characters were traveling a lot in the book, and the author changed up the landscape drastically multiple times, I adored the fact that it wasn't always the same.

- How to revive cliche plotlines - 

Okay, I'll admit - Children of Blood and Bone has the same plot line as...a lot of books. The "you're the chosen one, go save the world" type of plot line. I usually will get bored during books like that because GRACIOUS, they're all so similar!

But Children of Blood and Bone wasn't like that at all.

The author did a great job taking a tried-and-true plot line, and spicing it up to keep it from being dry. It's probably one of my top-favorite uses of the "quest to save the world" and "chosen one" plotlines! But WHY did I like it so much, and what saved the plot from dying?  

- Worldbuilding. Oh look, and we return to why this book is so incredibly epic! xD But the worldbuilding was a MAJOR part of why this plotline wasn't cliche for CoBaB. The world was so different that even if the plot had been cut-and-dried, I hardly think I would have noticed. The world was so vivid that it gave extra vibrancy to everything in the book. 

- Throw in a new twist. I can't tell you exactly what the twists were, because #spoilers - but Tomi Adeymi definitely added some great twists to the plot that I did NOT see coming, and this really help spice up the plot, and kept it from dragging at all. Throwing a new spin into an old plotline can ultimately be what saves it!

So, if you couldn't tell already - Children of Blood and Bone was a SERIOUSLY good book! ;D I really, really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it. (you should ready it for the worldbuilding alone, you guys! And the characters are AH-MAZING <3)

Oh, and like I said - I've done a book review for it over on my YouTube channel, if you want to get more of my thoughts on this amazing book.  I might have raved, just a wee bit xD. So that's there if you want to check it out!

Keep being epic, y'all! <3

~ Savannah Grace

have you read Children of Blood and Bone?
what's your favorite book with good worldbuilding?