18 Days To NaNo - My Plan

October 14, 2016

   The NaNo storm is slowly coming upon us. You have two options - either run from the insane writers who will be locking themselves in the house and typing monstrous amounts of words ... or join them. And eat lots of ice cream while trying to stay alive.

   There is ice cream and words in the deal. I cannot refuse. I will suffer and be happy about it *steels resolve*.

   Time to lay down the plan of action.

   1. Stock up on ice cream (everybody needs ice cream while writing *shares the ice cream*)

   2. Test all my gel pens (and buy new ones if any don't work. I CANNOT WRITE WITHOUT GEL PENS)

   3. Create an epic desktop background that will make me want to write (... or go look for more epic pictures on the internet, either or *shrugs*.)

   4. Barricade the door and turn off the wi-fi (well, maybe I'll at least keep the wi-fi ... )

   5. Open a blank notebook on the night of October 31st, at exactly 11:58, and stare at it until November 1st rolls around. Then I will write one word and go to bed (because who ever stays up until midnight? Pfft, not me ... *is guilty*)


    ... well ... no promises, Yoda.

   7. Get all of YOU, my writer-ly friends, to do it with me.

   8. Not even think about editing. No way.

   9. Cheer on all the NaNoWriMo friends. We'll ace this thing together *fistbump*

~ Savannah Grace

   So, what say you? Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? What's your plan? 


  1. Love all of these points. xD And wow, NaNo is only 18 days away?? *freaks out* I really MUST get a move on plotting. Eeeek. o.o At least tomorrow we have a road trip; that should help a little.

    *basically dies*

    (oh, and ice-cream. UM. o.o *grabby hands*)

    1. ISN'T IT INSANE?! I can't believe it's so SOON! *hands you all the ice cream*

  2. This was epic! I'm so nervous for NaNo, yet really excited! I just don't know if I'll be able to do my actual word count! Aahhhhh!!!

    1. Thanks, Emma! Same here - BUT WE WILL SURVIVE *fistbump*.

  3. I am so excited!! I've gotten over my "I'm going to die" stage, and have moved on to the "what have I gotten myself into" phase. XD

    1. Yeah, me too - we shall see what happens. My family may end up being the ones who regret me taking on NaNoWriMo XD.

    2. Ooh, also, what's your username? I can't remember if I added you as a friend already (... or if I asked you this question already ... *shrugs*).


    *deep breath* That first gif is just yes. I'm gonna suffer. But I'm also gonna be happy about it. I think as soon as it's started I will stop screaming in terror. (or maybe not) But it'll be fun. And there'll be all those friends there to give me virtual pizza and cake and all that stuff. :D

    Basically. I can't wait. But it's coming too fast. xD

    1. IT IS. I don't know who's got the time machine, but I intend to take it back *nods*.

      I had to use the gif XD. And I will not stop screaming because mad amounts of writing + mad amounts of schoolwork don't go together. JUST NO. So we'll see what happens.

  5. Do, or do not there is no try... which is why I am not trying :) But I hope that you and Jane both succeed in getting all those words down.

    1. Haha :D. I can't wait to see if I can reach the goal (ya know, without dying or anything pesky like that XD)!

  6. I'm not doing NaNo, but I am trying to finish writing Catania's Forest before we leave for China--which is a vain hope, but I'm still trying. Sorry Yoda.

    That last picture. . . I hadn't seen the army of the dead before. Spencer was right: they're pretty cool. ;)

    1. OOH, you are?! I hope you're able to! I want to read it so bad :D. Any idea when you'll be posting it (are you posting it?)?

      They are pretty cool! The animation is awesome - and I just like the scene itself :D (but, ya know - the Three Hunters were the ones in the scene. I could be biased *nods*).

    2. Yeah. . . trying. Well (should I tell Savannah this? Oh, sure!) it's a retelling of the Little Drummer-Boy (or, it was when it started, it's gotten pretty far away), so I was hoping to post the last part on Christmas Eve. I'm not very hopeful about that right now, but we'll see.

      Really? That scene always bothered me. I guess I'm just not a fan of ghosts. But anything with Aragorn and Legolas is going to be awesome! ;) I guess I like Gimli too, I just always leaned more towards elves than dwarves. And I think they ruined him in the movies. *cough*

    3. Ooh, I sure hope that you're able to do that! It would be SO COOL if you could publish the last part on Christmas Eve. YOU CAN DO IT, HANNA!

      Well the scene in the books always confused me GREATLY - I think I liked the movie one better just because I understood it more :D. And I REALLY wanted them to do better with Legolas and Gimli's friendship than they did :(.

    4. Thanks, it's motivating. I'll try.

      Yeah, I was disappointed with Legolas and Gimli in the movies too. At least they were better than Faramir. . .

      BTW, Cerulean (as in, my fish) died recently. We think we did something wrong with the water, because all our fish died. It was sad. We got new ones though, and mine's named Copper. If I ever get a black one, I'll have to name it Twyla.

  7. Oh, good luck on Nano! And y'all will DEFINITELY need ice cream. =)

  8. STOCKING UP ON ICE CREAM IS TO IMPORTANT. For me, I'm probably going to have to go trick-or-treating but after that's done, candy is going to be my main source of fuel, alongside rice, because ninety percent of meals I eat consist of something rice based. Staying up until midnight? Noooooo.... #publicschoolkid

    Also, is the first photo background yours? Because if it is-- I LOVE PRINCESS ACADEMY, TOO. The second book was okay, but the first book can be described as "xDDDDDDDDDD !!!" Also, Wendy Mass's books (especially her Willow Falls series) were some of my favorites when I was eleven and twelve.

    xoxo Morning

    1. OOH, candy works well, too *nods*. I guess staying up until midnight IS a bad idea when you have to get up kinda early ... *does not recommend this* XD.

      Yup, it's mine! My sister let me borrow her camera to take it *nods*. ISN'T IT GOOD? I don't remember the second book real well, so I think I need to read it again, even if everyone's told me it isn't that good *shrugs*. And yes, Wendy Mass is a great Middle-Grade writer *nods*.

  9. I LOVE YOUR PLAN!! This is very similar to my plan, except I shall swap out ice cream with very dark chocolate to motivate my bitter soul. :') And also gif perfection is ON POINT. I like to threaten all my friends with swords so they write during NaNo too. #winning

    1. THANK YOU, CAIT! And dark chocolate, oh yes *nods*. My mom keeps a nice stash of that, so I'll steal her's XD.

  10. The Yoda thing. Niiiice. :D Also your plan sounds great. *nods* (You're writing in a NOTEBOOK? :O I salute you, brave soul.)

    My plan is currently: panic because I have yet to plan my novel. XD ...I'm so doomed. -_- I must get plotting SOON but I have sooo many other things to do right now! D: *flailing around* Ahem. :P


    1. Despite what Yoda says, I can try if I want to XD.

      I plan to write in a notebook AND type. Something tells me that this is a seriously bad idea, but I'll try it until it fails me :D.

      YES PLOT. Make time and plot *nods*. (I'm assuming you're a plotter for NaNo?)

      I THINK SO. *checks* WE ARE. Good XD.

    2. Well, whatever works! ;)

      Yes, I'm a plotter, which is why it's unfortunate that most NaNos I'm too busy beforehand to plot as fully as I'd like. XD

  11. I APPROVE OF THIS PLAN. And that first gif, so accurate! NaNo is all about suffering happily, isn't it? XD

    Also, you're writing some in a NOTEBOOK? O_O Total respect.

    My plan is to go without sleep and just live on coffee (and ice cream, I'm liking this ice cream plan!) for 30 days and type until my fingers fall off. And then like...type with my toes or something. Because, I mean, who SLEEPS during NaNo? Hahahah...ha...ha. (Yes, I'm totally one of those who stays up well past midnight on October 31st. *cough*)

  12. *gives plan Christine's stamp of approval* XD

    YES (partially, at least *nods*) - I did that for Go Teen Writer's 100-for-100 challenge and loved it, so I'm starting out with the same tactic for NaNo.

    Ooh yes, typing with your toes works *add this to list as plan B, in case of dying fingers*. No NaNo-er is asleep at midnight on October 31st XD.

  13. I cannot even imagine staying up to write at midnight. SLEEP > EVERYTHING. But well done for hashing out your action plan! What is your book going to be about?!!

    OK but I HAVE A QUESTION. Do you handwrite? Because if so, THAT'S AWESOME, I HANDWRITE TOO! And I don't think I've ever met anyone else who does???

    But if so, do you just type as you go? If so, I am MAJORLY impressed, because writing 50k in a month would be frigging hard enough, but typing all that in the month as well?? Incredible!

    1. SERIOUSLY? I do that almost every night XD. Thanks, Emily! I'm pantsing NaNoWriMo (*shrieks in fear*), so I BARELY know anything about my book XD. Something about dreams and hallucinations and sisters and fear and death + plenty of other insanity *nods*.

      YES I DO *fistbumps fellow handwriter*. My zero-draft is done mostly all in handwriting (MOSTLY - I do type some of it), and then I stitch the first draft together on the computer. I AM THE ULTIMATE STORY SURGEON.

  14. Hey, Savannah! I've seen your comments around the blogosphere, so I thought I'd check out your blog and I looove it. :)
    YUSSSS WE GOT DIS. *fistbump* (at least I really hope we do, oh dear) And yes, agreed, you have gained my respect in writing with a notebook. That's just awesome. xD
    Just curious, is this your first time doing NaNo?


    1. Hi, Misty! So glad you enjoy my corner of the internet :D.
      WE DO, WE DO! (yeah, I hope. *eats ice cream nervously*) Yup, I'm a first-timer and I'M JUST WINGING IT. I intend to survive *nods*. What's your NaNo username?

    2. YES! (*gives a thumbs up* *stuffs dark chocolate into mouth*) Nice! I did the exact same thing last year. xD It was a rollercoaster, but my goal was 30K instead of 50K so I did finish. It was so worth it, so I'm definitely doing it again, only aiming for the old 50K this time. ;) Haha, you'll do great! My NaNo username is MistytheWriter, what's yours?

    3. Yay for 50k! I'm so excited :D. Mine's Savannah Grace *scampers off to add you*.

  15. Best of luck with NaNo. I've attempted it twice and failed utterly both times. Maybe some day.

    1. Thanks, Patrick! I'm excited to give NaNo a shot :D.

  16. "Not think about editing."

    Ha. Hahahahaha. *smacks head on the ground* I AM NOT THINKING ABOUT EDITING. OF COURSE NOT. HA. HAHA.

    NaNo is already making me insane and it's not a good thing. :P

    YOU GOT THIS. <3

    // katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. HAHA, YUP, NO EDITING - None. Just no. *resolves not to think of it ever* *but of course still thinks about it*

      All NaNo-ers get full permission to be insane for roughly a month (or a little longer XD) *nods*.

  17. There's more than two choices. I'm not doing NaNo this year, but I'm also not calling you crazy. I'll be wistfully reading about everybody's adventures and wishing I could.

    1. Well, despite whether you call me crazy or not, I think I am XD. It's too bad that you can't do NaNo this year - hopefully next year will work out for you!

  18. Great post! We'll see how this goes, but I think I'm gonna do it this year, even though I'm still not totally sure which of the two stories I'll do....maybe both. Good luck! *charges into battle*

    1. Thanks, Soleil! OOH, you definitely should! It'll be tons of fun :D.

  19. Yes, all of the above.👍 However, I've never thought about hoarding the ice cream, and this is sad considering that I consider myself an ice cream aficionado. XD
    Don't forget the chocolate, too. ;)

    Do you hand write your entire NaNo novel? If so, that's pretty cool!
    Jeneca @ Jeniqua Writes

    1. OOH, hoarding the ice cream - I should do this. Just in case there is an ice cream shortage or something DURING NANO. Tragedy XD.

      Nope - just a lot of the zero-draft. It's fun :D.


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