The Cliche Flip: love interest edition

February 15, 2018

   And here I am, an entire day after I was supposed to post this - BUT better late than never, yes?


   It is time for the second round of smashing in The Cliche Flip - this time, we're digging out the love interest trope and slamming some cliches *wields sledgehammer*. Who's ready to go?

The Cliche Flip: love interest edition [post title image]

   It's (*cough* the day after *cough*) Valentine's day, so you probably already had a guess as to which character type I would be Flipping today. Yup, you're exactly right - today's we're flipping:

the love interest


Cliche 1: No Talking Things Out 

   In almost every book I read where there's even the tiniest bit of romance, the two characters do not talk their problems out. Come on now. And that fact has almost become a cliche! It's so annoying when you can tell that the characters could solve their problems easily if they'd just communicate ... but then they don't. In my opinion, it's like the author is taking the easy way out and giving the characters an obstacle just by having them not talking, and in a way...well, besides being annoying, it's also cheating. Don't take the easy way out.

Cliche FLIP: No Talking Things Out 

   TALK, YO. Just let the characters talk to each other! And if you think that wouldn't be fun, because the conversation could be boring, or they could reach their conclusion too fast, think again. Is that how it happens in real life? Not a chance. Your characters could don't need to have a happy-go-lucky conversation, they can disagree with each other - but they can still talk. Maybe a bomb goes off while they're talking! Maybe the discover a giant secret as they discuss things! Maybe they are two characters who are acting as spies, and no one is supposed to see them talking together, but someone does. Just because they're talking things out doesn't mean it has to be boring.

Cliche 2: I Can Handle It By Myself 

   I know, I know - every other bookdragon in the universe wants the girl to be able to save herself, and not need help from the guy. Ever. Period. And while I love to see strong girls making strides and doing epic things, I ALSO love it when two characters get it into their heads that maybe they should work together? Perhaps it would be a good idea?

Cliche FLIP: I Can Handle It By Myself

   TEAMWORK, YO. That's the best Flip I've got for ya xD. On a more serious note - your characters can work together. And this can be the cause for a ton of obstacles (or hilarity ;D) in your book! Maybe your girl character has the tendency to talk a lot when she's nervous, while your guy character can't stand chatter when he's trying to figure something out, and then have to figure out a way to work through their differences while they try to save the world. Or maybe she's blind, and he uses a wheelchair because he can't walk, and then figure out a way to work together and help each other. There's a TON that could be done with this cliche that would be really cool. 

Cliche 3: Break Up And Back Together

   I can think of multiple books off the top of my head where the two characters are together, then get into a fight and break up, and then get back together again - and sometimes they do it multiple times! And let me explain something - breaking up and being mad at each other are two different things, okay? If the characters are mad at each other and won't talk for days, fine - BUT if they actually say they're break up, then get together again within the next two pages? And then they break up again, only to get back together in the next chapter? Yeah, hold your horses. 

Cliche FLIP: Break Up And Back Together

   Maybe your characters were childhood friends, and they've learned that they're stronger together. Seriously, two characters that stick together even through the hard stuff are so fun to follow. OR maybe they have to stay together, even if they're mad at each other and need some room to breath, because they're mentor and trainee, or two leaders of the same group, and it would bring people's spirits down to see them break up. OR maybe your two characters are pushed together by necessity - perhaps they're the two oddballs in a group of friends? - and end up falling for each other ... and then staying that way. There's a lot of fun stuff you can do with this one. 

   And that would be all I've got time to say about those cliche's and their flips - but if you still need a little more inspiration, here are some writing prompts for you ...

   SO there are some of my thoughts on cliche flips for the love interest characters! The post actually could have been a lot longer (I didn't even touch on the love/hate trope, or the girl immediately falling for the hottie trope), but I managed to force myself to stop at three xD. Leave your ideas for cliche flips down in the comments! BUT be aware that there's been a new update regarding that. Since there were SO MANY great Flips down in the comments of the mentors edition of the cliche flip, I'm opening it up so that YOUR cliche flips can be put in the post. Just let me know when you comment your Flips that I can put them in the post, and if you have any really great ones, I'll snag them and stick them in the post, along with your name and a link to your blog, if you have one ;).

   I hope these got your creative minds turning! And now, if your muse starts feeding you ideas for some pretty quirky characters...well, don't blame me xD.

~ Savannah Grace 

who's your favorite literary character that falls into the love interest trope?
do you write/read romance stories often?


  1. Ooo, I really love that last writing prompt. So fun. And I totally am a huge fan of flipping romance cliches right on their head. :)

    1. Thank you! I had a lot of fun coming up with those - and I might have accidentally gathered a few more plot bunnies in the process xD. Thanks for commenting, Evangeline!

  2. I LOVE this!!! It seems that love interests are very often cliche in one way or another. Off the top of my head, one overused cliche is Love At First Sight. I'm not saying it can't happen, because a character could totally have a crush on someone the first time they meet, but for them to start acting like boyfriend and girlfriend after five minutes together? *squints at my own characters suspiciously* Yeah, I should probably go fix that in my own stories XD
    Okay, I HAVE to mention my favorite love interest literary character... Eowyn and Faramir. I LOVE THEM!!!! And if you've only seen the movies, you're missing the whole thing. It was SOOO much better in the books.
    Thanks for posting!!

    1. DITTO on the love-at-first sight thing! It's often handled so badly, and it REALLY rubs me the wrong way!!
      And thanks for what you said about Faramir and Eowyn! My thoughts entirely. =)

    2. Love At First Sight is definitely a huge cliche - wish I had had time to mention that one! But thanks for bringing it up, because its absolutely a cliche that we can try to knock out xD.

      Eowyn and Faramir! <3 Yeah, I've read all the books, and I agree that the movie didn't portray it the way the books did xD. Thanks for commenting, Talia! (and Hanna ;))

  3. Oh cool!!! I love writing romance characters!!! They're just incredibly fun. Probably one really fun scenario (which I don't know if it will turn into a romance or not, I hope it does) was in Seeds, the first book of a new series being written (I just did a post on this book recently). Serena and Jacques! They were amazing because Serena has a mission, and up and decides with the drop of a hat to go across the ocean to fulfill it. However, without Jacques, she never would have made it. Oh they were so great!!!
    One romance I write, is the slave girl who is supposed by everyone to be deaf and mute so that if she ever escaped the place where she's seen and heard top secrets, is not. The only person who knows, is the evil experimenter's apprentice, who has no memory of who he was or anything from the past years of his life. She know what he needs to know, and without his help she'll never be free.
    Thanks for this cool post!

    1. Ooh, new series? *ears perk up* I'll have to check it out! Plus it sounds like the cliches were handled pretty well - thanks for bringing it up, Erica ;).

      OH GRACIOUS - that seriously sounds like an incredible book <3. I want to read that so very bad, the plot and characters sound AMAZING. What draft are you on? First? Third?

  4. This are great flips! I really can't stand the break up and get back together cliche. It's so annoying.

    I loved the prompts the best, I think, especially the first and second one. Those were hilarious!

    I'm really enjoying this series! Keep up the good work!

    1. Isn't it just? I can only enjoy a book with that cliche in it if it is handled really well ;).

      Thank you so much, Sarah! I'm enjoying writing it for you guys <3.

  5. Great post! I love this cliche flip series! It gets my creative wheels turning :D I love the prompts too. THAT FIRST ONE THOUGH. HAAAAHAHA. I don't write much romance (so far, it hasn't naturally developed in any of my stories so it hasn't happened) but I hope to have a cute one someday!

    1. Thank ya so much, Hannah! MY SISTERS LAUGHED AT THAT ONE SO MUCH xD. SO glad you liked the prompts! And I REALLY want one of your books to have a cute romance someday, your writing style would be great for that (and it would be so fun! :D).

  6. I LOVE these writing prompts! Especially the last one! =)

    Great post, Savannah!

    1. Thank you so much, Madeline! I'm glad you enjoy them <3.

  7. Ooh my word those prompts are genius. And all these tips. Gah. I love it. XD

    I, unfortunately, am ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE at writing romance. (Only tried it once actually xP) But I do have a romance planned to happen in a novel idea or two. One idea (PRINCE) is basically that the Prince is off on a quest to 'rescue his princess' (which he thinks is super boring) then he gets captured by pirates/something like that and it turns out the angsty lady in charge is the princess he was looking for and they both hate each other. For a while, at least. :P

    1. Thank ya, Prill! I'm glad you guys are liking this series. XD

      I'm DEFINITELY not an expert on writing romance either, haha - whenever it happens it my books, it's usually more of a subplot (and it hasn't happened that often, haha).

      HAHA okay can I just mention how much I LOVE that story idea? Seriously, Prill - you need to get published SO BAD. I would read the life out of your stories and then give them five stars. They all just sounds so GOOD! xD

  8. I love this series! So often in books, stuff happens so often that it becomes predictable! I HATE HATE when people don't talk things out. Like how many books could I have enjoyed that just had their characters TALK TO EACH OTHER???!!!

  9. This is such a great series, Savannah! =D I love the first prompt-nothing more romantic than a stuffed rhino. xD These posts always have so much inspiration! Thanks for doing this series. =)

    Micaiah @ Notebooks and Novels

  10. Once again, you have brilliantly nailed these cliches and come up with perfect solutions! Literally ALL THREE OF THESE are huuuuge pet peeves I have in fiction. I get FURIOUS when a ginormous problem can't be solved just because the characters won't just USE THEIR WORDS AND TALK IT OUT. And why not? Dialogue is the best part of reading! ('s my favorite.) Like you said, it does NOT have to be boring.

    I'm also getting sick and tired of the characters who are determined to do everything themselves. That's not strength, that's just being kinda bratty and full of yourself. XD I mean, not always. But a lot of the time! Teamwork is a beautiful thing, and I get sooo excited when characters work together. And if you can't work with your love interest then...well, you probably shouldn't be dating in the first place. Heh.

    And then the breaking up and getting back together thing. UUUGGGGHHHH. PLS STAHP. It gets so tiring. I think people believe they HAVE to have romantic tension at all times in their stories, and if the characters are happily together, well, THAT WON'T WORK. Let's break 'em up! Come up with OTHER plot devices, please?

    Aaaanyways. This is a big ol' rant. XD Like I said, you totally hit on my big pet peeves. THANK YOU for pointing these out and giving us alternatives. You are a genius!

    Also, that last writing prompt. O___O Just...I am in love.

  11. Did you literally write this just for me?? This is PERFECT timing for me trying to figure out WHAT IN THE WORLD I'm doing with AEmilia. I had this problem with Ella in Anchored too. *sigh* Good thoughts here, thanks! These tropes can get SO old!

  12. Thanks for the tips!!! That middle prompt is hilarious. :)

  13. YES! So much of this should be Flipped. Very good points, and very good tips for me and my writing. TALKING AND TEAMWORK. And really, breaking up and getting back together? More than once? PUH-LEAZE. That’s just ridiculous.

    As for me, I do often write romance threads into my stories. Probably the most original one I’ve done is in Princess of the Seventh Star (my Rooglewood story). Carter is an Intergalactic Knight, and it’s his job to help people. So when he gets a message for help, of course he’s going to go and help. But as he keeps getting similar messages night after night, her voice, well, starts to affect him. I can’t say too much (#SPOILERS), but he goes through a lot for this girl, and when he finally meets her... THEN he knows. I guess it is Love At First Sight... sort of.

    Now, my own flips:

    I mean, you could have the two love interests be married, not just boyfriend/girlfriend. You could do that.

    But, if it still doesn't seem original enough, you could have them be falling in love throughout the story, working together to accomplish whatever goal it is. Then they discover that they are actually married, but their memories were erased, so they didn’t remember. I don’t know.

    Or, you could have the guy character be a mad scientist, and sometimes, the girl character has to rescue him from whatever madcap situation he gets himself into this time, and sometimes he rescues her, using his wide array of fantastic tools and inventions. That’s one way to Flip the “I Can Handle It Myself” cliché.

    PS: THOSE PROMPTS. Partly hilarious, partly intriguing. I like it.

  14. Oh my word those prompts are SPAWNING SO MANY PLOT BUNNIES. O_O XD I really love this series so much! It really gets me thinking about some of the clichés in my stories, and what I could do to make them more unique! :)

  15. THIS WAS GREAT! I hate it when characters won't communicate ... *moans* I mean, seriously, the whole conflict of some plots could be solved if they'd just talk for two minutes!


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